Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rice Cereal

Saturday, February 13, 2010, Charlotte attempted to eat her first solid food! I read the directions on the box to discover that mixing one tablespoon of rice cereal with 4-5 tablespoons breast milk should create the perfect consistency of cereal for Charlotte's inexperienced digestive system. Craig the scientist felt otherwise. He felt it was too soupy and so added about 2 extra tablespoons of rice cereal to the bowl. Oh Boy! It was still a lot of fun. Charlotte did a good job eating what she could of the cereal and we could tell that it's going to become something she enjoys. She made some faces but loved eating like a big girl from the spoon. 

She is currently trying to help me edit this blog, so I'm going to add some pictures and then go buy a King Cake for Mardi Gras! Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday! Craig will be at Boy Scouts so Charlotte and I are going to go to the nearby Catholic Church and get our Ashes! Then is 40 days and 40 nights of lent ending with Easter! This is one of my favorites because not only does it signify so much of what Christ has done for us but we get to eat chocolate left by the Easter Bunny! It doesn't get much better than that! In addition to chocolate, this year the Easter Bunny should bring some family members Charlotte has yet to meet. Enter Uncle Ryan, Aunt Shelby and hopefully Great Uncle Jim! Can't wait for the quasi-family reunion I have been for so long waiting!

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