Friday, September 24, 2010

Almost One!

      Now that Charlotte is almost one year old, she has gained quite a personality.  She loves Tinker Bell, she loves purses and she loves shoes. Sometimes she'll rummage through her shoes and have me put them on her for fun. One day, she had me put her pretty pink shoes on her and she was walking around the house with her purse in one hand and my cell phone in the other hand and she was having a whole conversation while walking around the house. When she noticed I was trying to take pictures of it, she through a fit. I guess she wasn't wearing her makeup?

(Charlotte throws a fit because she doesn't want her picture taken)

     Then she realized it wasn't so bad to have her picture taken, because I wasn't interested in her temper tantrum, but she wouldn't walk around like she was before, she just wanted to show off her purse Mrs. Holly got for her. (Her friend Aubrey has one just like it, and Aubrey is a big girl!).

("Oh! Look at my pretty purse!")

     I have an amazing family, my father-in-law sent me roses with a note that commented on what a good little mom he thought I was. It was such a surprise and it was so thoughtful it brought a huge smile to my face! I love my in-laws, I'm so lucky to have the love and support they give me!

(My beautiful roses from PawPaw)

     I wasn't the only one who loved my roses. Charlotte thought they were so pretty, too, but she also really loved the box they came in! I guess there is a lot of truth to babies preferring boxes to the toys that come inside them...

(Charlotte sets up shop in the flower box)

(Charlotte's shop falls through!) 

     In less than a week Charlotte will be turning one. I can't believe that a year ago she was just a new born and now she's just like a 2 year old. It really does go by so quickly. If only I could get her to sleep through the night now!

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