Monday, April 11, 2011

Some Time in April

     Monday, April 11, 2011, Craig brought home some chicks for Charlotte! Charlotte absolutely loves her new pets and usually just sits next to them and says "hi!" to them, or "one!" meaning: "I want to hold this one!" We aren't going to eat these chicks when they get bigger, because these will become laying hens. Hopefully one of them will turn in to a rooster, so our hens will lay. For now they have to stay inside (in Craig's office), but when they get bigger we will turn them loose in the back yard so they can peck and play with Shiner, who is getting pretty lonely! It's exciting to know that soon enough we'll get fresh eggs!

Charlotte and Daddy hold Chicks

Could she look any happier?

     Sunday, April 10, 2011 Craig and I took Charlotte and our neighbor Ruth to the park! Charlotte loved having somebody to run around with and feel like a big girl. They ran up the stairs and down the slides and up the slides and into the sand box! They swang on the swing and then Charlotte tried to run away through the fields, but Daddy caught her! We had so much fun watching the girls run around having fun.  Craig took pictures while we were there and I didn't know it, but my husband is quite the photographer!

Charlotte throws sand

All Three of us on the Swings

Sweet Charlotte loved it when Daddy pushed her high!

Charlotte helped water the garden (and the sidewalk, and the car...)

33 Weeks!

     Monday, April 4, 2011, before our daily walk, Charlotte posed for me in front of our garden and in front of my growing sunflowers. She is wearing such a cute outfit her Oma got for her from Naartjie, and it is a little big on her, but it's too cute to wait to put on her! She is becoming such a little ham for the camera and never misses a moment to pose!

Charlotte in front of the garden

Charlotte and Shiner

Charlotte and the Sunflowers

Charlotte in the bath - what long hair!

     We are getting close to Olivia's D-Day and we're all so excited! Charlotte is going to be an amazing big sister and we're all looking forward to expanding our family and having our families visit us while we transition into a family of four!


  1. I bet Charlotte loves those baby chicks. She looks so different since I last saw her, her hair has lightened a lot.
    We are excited for baby Olivia to come, you look ready too, I bet it's starting to get hot! Won't be long now. Good luck with the c section. I hope everything goes how you want it to.

  2. Charlotte is getting to be such a big girl! She's so cute! Looks like she is excited about her chicks! I bet she'll be the best big sister, can't wait to meet little Olivia!

  3. Very fun. :) Craig really is a nice photographer! He's got some great composition on those shots. :)
