Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Olivia Rose Shelton

Sweet Olivia weighing in at 8.1

     Friday, May 20, 2011 Olivia Rose Shelton was born into the world via planned c-section at Highlands Regional Medical Center in Sebring, FL. She was 20 inches tall and weighed 8 lbs. and 1 oz just like her big sister, Charlotte Frances Shelton.

39 Weeks, The Night Before the c-section

     The night before Olivia's arrival, my mom, Gail, flew in from Arkansas to help out with Charlotte, so I let Charlotte stay up super late! We had a lot of fun, but the fun didn't start until Gramma walked in the door bearing gifts! She gave Charlotte the cutest little bed time Dora doll which Charlotte loves along with Dora fruit snacks - which Gramma let her eat before bed and after she brushed her teeth! Oh, Gramma! I was extremely nervous about going in for the c-section, but I tried to keep things light, and Gramma definitely helped make that happen.

I'm Faking It!

     After a fairly sleepless night, Craig and I took off for the hospital. We arrived at 6:00am sharp and checked in through the emergency room. We were shown to the room I would spend the remainder of the weekend in and they started all the questions and the IV's. It was at this point that we discovered I was already in labor and my contractions were 6 minutes apart! I didn't even know it! I was okay at first, but I started to get really anxious by 7:30, when they were getting ready to wheel me into surgery. Craig wasn't allowed to be by my side while they gave me the spinal block, which was hard, but we got through it. The whole process took about 30 minutes and Olivia was delivered at 8:40am on Friday. She sounded so sweet when she finally started to cry and Craig was able to get a good picture of them lifting her from my belly [omitted].

My First Kiss with my Sweet Olivia

     When they got her wiped off a little bit, they let me get some skin to skin contact with her. She was scared at first, but when I started talking to her she started to calm down. Her little cries were so sweet then and they filled my body with pure elation. Her little breath was so sweet already and she even gave me some kisses! (Okay, she was probably trying to nurse on my chin, but at the time I was totally getting some kisses).

Sweet Charlotte Loving on her Baby Sister

     Later on Friday, Gramma and Charlotte came to visit us and made sure we were all doing okay. Charlotte at first wasn't interested at all in Olivia - just interested in getting into everything in the hospital room! Crazy girl! But when she realized Olivia was her sister, she loved her! She got really close to her face and kept saying "hi!" which was so sweet! So far Charlotte has been an amazing big sister. She's so helpful when I ask her to do things and she loves to play with Olivia. I know they're going to be best friends! As for now, she won't call her Olivia, just "sister!"

Olivia's First Family Photo!

     Friday night I was doing so well they took out my catheter and let me walk around! I was very weak at first, but was so happy to be able to stand so soon. Saturday, Gramma and Charlotte came to see us after lunch and we were able to take our first family photo. Charlotte and daddy went swimming and Gramma, Olivia and I got to relax together and watch a little tv. Olivia did a lot of sleeping!

Mama and Baby, doing so well

Proud Gramma Holding her Newest Granddaughter

Olivia Dressed Up!

     Olivia has been the best little girl I could have hoped for to follow Charlotte. She is loving, sweet, and so very quiet. She is content doing almost anything and almost never cries unless she's cold during bath time. Even at night when I wake up to nurse her, she never cries, I just happen to wake up and see her squirming with an open mouth like a baby bird! It's so sweet to see and I just hope she speaks up when she needs something or I might never know! It has been so great having my mom around to help me out with this transition. While it has been easy with Olivia, I know it's also because my mom and my amazing husband have been so helpful every step of the way. Charlotte has really been transitioning well with all the new changes and has seemed to grow up so much over the past couple days! Craig even decided he was going to buy her size 5 diapers instead of the 4's, since she's such a big girl now! lol


  1. Awesome! Thanks for the update and the pictures! :) I've been waiting! I'm so glad things are going well with you guys. Miss you like crazy!

  2. Congratulations she Is beautiful and I love the name.

  3. she is so beautiful i agree we miss you so much cant wait to see the little one!!!!!

    Kayla may Shelton
